Timbeco manufactures and mounts a retirement home combining cross-laminated timber (CLT) and prefabricated timber frame elements in Sweden. Since CLT is a fairly new and exciting material in house production, Timbeco will keep you up to date with the process of manufacturing a building, especially from the perspective of the special features of CLT.

Why did the client opt for a CLT solution?

In the sense of construction technology, the building could have been constructed with any modern and common materials and construction techniques. However, in selecting the material for the building to be constructed, the client followed two principles: environmental sustainability and innovation.

Because the client is a local government that is known for implementing environmentally sustainable principles, timber was a natural choice. In terms of innovation, the client sought to realize the project using innovative building materials. CLT meets both of these criteria. It is an innovative and environmentally sustainable material. The client plans to apply the experience gained from the pilot project in the construction of its other public buildings.

Advantages of CLT

Due to its stability and persistence of shape, CLT (cross-laminated timber) is the first real alternative to concrete, enabling the use of timber in building high-rises as well.

  • Positive CO₂ balance
  • Environmentally friendly and sustainable building material
  • 5 times lighter than concrete or bricks
  • Good insulation characteristics
  • Good fire-safety characteristics

Project information:

  • Building type: public building
  • Product: complete element house solution combined with CLT (cross-laminated timber)
  • Total volume of prefab timber frame elements: 10,000 m2

Samples of Our Work