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Prefabricated element buildings and modular houses

engineering, production, construction

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We have produced over 2,500 wooden buildings in 25 countries.

Timbeco Woodhouse is a modern factory based on Estonian capital. We specialize in producing tailor-made energy-efficient wood frame elements, elemental houses and modules. We export 95% of our production to the markets of Finland, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland and Japan. Our clients are Nordic leading construction companies to whom we produce energy efficient apartment buildings, school buildings, kindergartens, facade solutions, roof elements, modular buildings, etc. In the Estonian market we serve both private clients and residential development companies.

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Prefabricated elements

Timbeco sales engineers have technical background

Timbeco’s sales consultants are all senior engineers and have worked for years in the field of wooden buildings. The sales team’s task is to understand the customer’s wishes and provide the best solutions for erecting wooden elements or modular buildings.

We stand for the common vision, which is to be the best manufacturer of wooden elements and modules in Europe.

More about Timbeco
Prefabricated elements

The design team is not afraid of major challenges

Timbeco Woodhouse has an in-house design unit, with the benefit of close cooperation between the sales and production unit. Timbeco engineers always provide a high-quality, cost-effective solution.

The advantages of its design unit compared to the purchased service are, above all, efficiency, speed and teamwork – thanks to the direct feedback from the departments, we have come up with the best and most trusted solutions.

More about engineering
Prefabricated elements

Project and object managers govern the building process

The Timbeco team has 10 engineering and long-term experience in project and object management. The task of the project team is to manage the construction of the object and to ensure the conformity of the work quality with the building standards, project documentation and the company’s quality system.

Project managers interact daily with the client’s representative, the logistics company and the main contractor for construction, so that the installation of wooden elements and modules takes place as planned.

More about construction process

Ootame Timbeco tiimiga liituma peatöövõtu objektijuhti. Kandideeri läbi CVKeskuse või saada oma CV ja motivatsioonikiri Tule loome parima ehitusvõimekuse puitmajasektoris! Tööle asumise aeg: jaanuar 2025.




The Timbeco plant is located in Estonia, near Tallinn, in the Saku municipality of Tõdval and is located on a 3.5 hectare area, with a total production area of over 7,800 m². Timbeco Woodhouse builds high-quality element structures, element houses and modules based on modern fully automatic CNC machines, experienced specialist training personnel and international building standards and ISO 9001: 2015 quality standards.

Production Capacity

Check out the factory

Production Capacity

Wooden elements
15,000 m²
a month
Module size max
W4,5 x H4,2 x
L12,5 m
Production space
7800 m²

The advantages of a prefab house

The most important thing is that all building materials and constructions are produced in a dry, controlled environment, in conditions. All elements and modules are transported to the building site with weatherproof film or heat shrink coating. The building also assumes responsibility for security of supply: all building constructions and materials of the house are completed and delivered to the building site in a timely manner. This will reduce downtime on the site and keep costs under control. The time it takes to erect an element or modular building is shorter than the traditional methods of building an object.

Read more about element houses
Production in a
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