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Wooden element apartment building in Iceland

Client: Hrafnsholl
Building type: 3-storey wooden building
Location: Akranes, Asparskógar 6, Iceland
Designers: Thorn Engineering OÜ
Project manager: Erik Vesiloik
Construction works: Externally ready solution

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Vaela modular kindergarten in Estonia

Timbeco designed, produced and installed a school building made of wooden elements in the municipality of Järfälla in Sweden. The building meets Miljöbygg requirements.

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Timber frame element building in Sweden

Timbeco designed, produced and installed a school building made of wooden elements in the municipality of Järfälla in Sweden. The building meets Miljöbygg requirements.

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We have built over 2500 wooden houses in 25 countries
Sales consultants are all engineers
Our team has 12 designers