Fire integrity of the element construction

It is often assumed that the wooden house is more flammable and unstable than a stone house. But wooden houses can be built as fireproof as stone houses. Fire resistance classes and requirements for buildings are determined by the Building Act. Apartment buildings and public buildings have more stringent fire safety requirements than private houses. In Estonia, fire resistance class TP3 has been established for all private houses, both in stone and in wooden houses. Before designing, it is necessary to know which fire resistance the building constructions have to meet. Depending on this, suitable building materials and design solutions are chosen.
In order to increase the fire integrity of wooden structures, we use the colors of the various paint manufacturers (Holz Prof, Teknos, etc.) to improve the reaction to fire class of wooden elements of buildings. Refractory wood preservatives are effective against combustion and ignition and are suitable for treating leaf and conifer in both indoor and outdoor environments. In addition to covering the wooden structures with a fire protection agent, the fire resistance class B-s1, d0 / K210 is achieved.

Different designs and solutions are available

From the color of the wood lining to the refractory colors and finishing with special building boards that meet the very strict fire resistance requirements, for example, in multi-apartment row or floor houses. In the latter case, it must also be ensured that the fire flowing in one part of the house or apartment does not spread to other apartments over a certain period of time.
The wooden structure is stiffened with a variety of solutions, for example, with construction boards, with diagonal skeletons and wooden staple joints, which ensure the stability of structures.
Although there are people who doubt the stability of the wooden houses, soundproofing and fire safety, the tests often prove the opposite. For example, steel has a poorer material than wood due to fire because the hardening of the surface of the wooden beams slows down the carrying capacity. So you do not have to worry about the fire in the wooden house using the right materials!

Fire resistance of the timber structure

  • We consider fire integrity already during the design process
  • We use a solution based on water and paint
  • We use high-quality construction boards to achieve the fire resistance and rigidity of the structure
  • We check the air tightness of the houses manufactured and erected by our certified pressure tests