Production of modules

Designing of modules

In designing modules, Timbeco has developed technical assemblies and constructions that meet the building regulations of the countries of destination. The entire design is done with the Timbecos BIM models that help create 3D visualizations for the buildings being built. In addition to architectural data, a large amount of constructional information is also included, such as bearing structures, openings, water pipes, electrical cables, and interconnecting modules between modules.


In the production of modules, certificates and licenses / licenses for specific work (electrical and plumbing works, waterproofing and tiling works, etc.) are important for the respective country of destination.

Module production

The production of modules starts from the CNC center, where all the wood materials used in the manufacture of room elements are cut exactly in size and the required pins / joints are molded. The finished material is made up of wall, ceiling and floor frame elements. The elements are interconnected into a module, after which it is possible to start communication (electricity, water, sewage, etc.). In the next step, insulating layers, steam and windblocks, and openings are added. Apart from the installation of open fillers, the addition of internal and external finishing coatings and the waterproofing and tiling of “wet” rooms can be started.

Timbeco production capacity of modules: 30 modules per month
Storage area in the yard: 30 modules

Modular interior decoration and furniture installation

In the final phase, the interior decoration, plumbing and furniture installation are carried out.

Open v. cellular plan

Modules can come together in a number of ways to create an incredible variety of spatial forms including large span spaces. As well, open-sided modules can be combined to create buildings of near-infinite length. These capacities expand the design possibilities for modular construction.


Prototypes allow the client, architect, and contractor to predict the outcome of the project with a high degree of certainty. The ability to create prototypes can be a significant benefit for projects such as hotels, plant rooms, etc. Prototypes can be produced at a much lower cost for modular construction than for in-site construction.

Flexibility with prefab modules

We at Timbeco help you with everything from security to quality guarantee and, of course, customer service, should you be interested in our services concerning modular building. Here we take care of you and construct an alternative that suits you and your wishes, dependent on what you think the purpose of the module will be. Yet another benefit with modular building is that the risk for possible quality defects is reduced considerably. This is because the construction process happens in indoor factories, without the impact of weather or wind.

With modular buildings, you can always count on flexibility. Mobile alternatives are suitable, for example, where you want to have a larger area for your business, or if the current premises are too small. In line with the company expanding, modular construction can be perfectly suitable, since you avoid tying up your capital in new buildings. Furthermore, it is possible to reduce the size of the premises, according to reduced requirements.

We help to find the right one

If you are curious about which services we offer in the field of modular building sytsem, you are warmly welcome to contact us at Timebeco. We will answer all your questions and thoughts and offer recommendations that suit you in particular. On our home page, you have access to information regarding our other services and products that we offer at the moment. You can reach us by telephone and by e-mail if you want to know more immediately.

Standard dimensions of modules:

width:             height:                    lenght:
4,5m                 4,2m                        12,5m

The size of the modules depends on the transportation options and the various constraints. Our factory has completed modules measuring 5.3 x 3.5 x 18m. The advantage of Timbeco is the production of large-sized modules.