Prefab wooden apartment buildings in Norway
Prefab wooden apartment buildings in Norway
Timbeco manufactured and constructed five prefabricated wooden apartment buildings in Norway. Prefabrication included manufacturing wall elements, inserted ceiling elements and internal wall elements. Windows and wooden cladding were installed to the wall elements in the factory. In order to increase sound-proofness, inserted ceiling elements were equipped with metal acoustic balks in the factory as well.
View moreFactory-manufactured prefab elements with aluminium facade finishing for an office building
Timbeco designed and manufactured in the factory prefab timber frame wall elements with aluminium sheet façade finishing for an office building on the Faroe Islands. The climate on Faroe Islands is very extreme – it rains almost every day. In order to decrease the time spent on the construction site in such difficult conditions, the … Continued
View moreA CLT and prefab element retirement home in Sweden
Timbeco delivered a retirement home in Sweden, constructed of a combination of CLT (cross-laminated timber) and prefab timber frame elements. The greatest difference between designing a CLT building compared to designing a prefab timber frame element building was the need to take into consideration the manufacturing capacity of the CLT manufacturer. The surface finishing options, … Continued
View moreTwice as airtight as a passive house in Norway
Timbeco designed and manufactured a residential building twice as airtight as the requirements for a passive house. The air permeability value measured in a pressure test performed in the residential building manufactured and erected in Northern Norway was n₅₀=0.29 1/h. As a comparison, the required airtightness of the external walls of passive houses is at … Continued
View morePrefabricated timber frame elements for steel and concrete – apartment buildings in Norway
We recently completed a project involving the production of prefabricated timber frame wall elements for two apartment buildings in Norway. The project was distinguished by the combination of prefab timber frame wall elements with a steel and concrete structure. The load-bearing structures of the apartment buildings consisted of walls with steel columns and inserted ceilings … Continued
View moreRetirement home, prefabricated timber frame elements and CLT in Sweden
Timbeco manufactures and mounts a retirement home combining cross-laminated timber (CLT) and prefabricated timber frame elements in Sweden. Since CLT is a fairly new and exciting material in house production, Timbeco will keep you up to date with the process of manufacturing a building, especially from the perspective of the special features of CLT. Why … Continued
View moreInnovative fire barrier solutions in prefab timber frame element construction
Timbeco, the manufacturer of prefab timber frame elements, introduced the innovative fire barrier solution FB Securo in ventilation openings. It is a fire barrier solution using intumescent materials. By expanding when exposed to heat, Securo FB restricts fire and smoke from spreading to ventilation openings. Securo fire barrier solution can be used, for example, in … Continued
View more17 energy-efficient semi-detached houses in finland
Timbeco manufactured and partly erected 17 energy-efficient semi-detached houses near Porvo in Finland. Prefab timber frame elements for external finishing, plasterboard for internal finishing, and moisture-resistant boards in wet rooms were installed at the factory. Fully finished windows were also installed at the factory.
View moreEnergy-efficient timber wall elements for tower blocks in norway
Timbeco completed the highest manufacturing project in its history. Namely, we manufactured timber prefab external wall elements for three apartment buildings in Stavanger, Norway (photos). The highest of the apartment buildings had 18 stories, there were also a 13-story and an 8-story building. According to the Project Manager of Timbeco, it was a very interesting project from the engineering technology … Continued
View moreSamples of Our Work

Vaela modular kindergarten in Estonia
Timbeco designed, produced and installed a school building made of wooden elements in the municipality of Järfälla in Sweden. The building meets Miljöbygg requirements.
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Timber frame element building in Sweden
Timbeco designed, produced and installed a school building made of wooden elements in the municipality of Järfälla in Sweden. The building meets Miljöbygg requirements.
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