
ISO 9001 quality management system

In order for organizations to compete successfully in the market with their products or services, their management must take care of continuous process improvement to ensure good quality. Continuous improvement and improvement is the basic principle of the quality management system. Adherence to the ISO 9001 standard requires the existence of a quality management system at an elementary level and is a guarantee for the customer that promises will be fulfilled.

ISO 14001 environmental management system

Given the ever-increasing awareness of climate change and environmental issues, organizations need an effective environmental management system that provides long-term competitiveness. Conscious environmental management is a company’s opportunity to show that during the production and distribution of goods, they are aware of and control the impact of their activities on the environment. The company’s desire to protect the environment is reflected in the sustainable consumption of raw materials, the selection and use of sustainable energy sources, the application of modern technologies,
the efficient handling of emissions and industrial waste, as well as the logistical transportation of products.

ISO 45001 occupational health and safety control systems

Occupational safety problems may seem exaggerated until the first accident, which leads to physical injury and causes material and moral damage and negative publicity for the company. The occupational safety system is a very important part of the company’s management, which creates the basis and framework for targeted, transparent, effective, fact-based and employee-inclusive occupational health and safety activities. Adopting an understandable and controllable occupational safety system also helps to manage and reduce potential risks and injuries.

SINTEF certificate from 2022

At the beginning of 2022, the technical approval TG 20710 of the Norwegian Building Research Institute (Sintef Buildings and Infastructure) came into effect for the building system developed in Timbeco. Sintef confirms that the Timbeco element and modular building construction system consisting of design, manufacturing and construction solutions is suitable for use in the Kingdom of Norway and complies with the Norwegian Building Code. The approval covers buildings of up to 4 floors
and covers areas such as load capacity, energy efficiency, sound insulation, fire resistance, wet rooms and the environment.

ETA European Technical Assessment from 2021

The European Technical Assessment is an assessment document that confirms the performance of a construction product in relation to its main  characteristics. Harmonized standards and European technical assessments create a common technical language used by all those involved in the construction industry and enable manufacturers to draw up a declaration of performance and affix the CE mark. The CE mark allows a construction product to be legally placed on the market in any EU country and then traded in the EU’s single market.