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Uuesalu office building

Timbeco designed, manufactured, and erected the office building consisting of timber framework elements.

Client: IBE Estonia OÜ
Location: Uuesalu, Rae Rural Municipality, Harju County
Volume of elements: 1,800 m2
Type of building: service and commercial building
Floor area: 870 m2
Architecture: a solution developed by the client based on Timbeco’s recommendations about building structure and exploitation.
Client’s order: turnkey solution
Method of construction: building made of timber framework elements prepared in a factory.
Time of installation of the elements: 4 weeks

Factory set
The factory set included wall elements with timber boarding. Fillings of openings and roofing were installed on the site. The building was made weathertight in 3.5 weeks.

Airborne and impact noise
The goal was to achieve better results with regard to airborne and impact noise than those established by the norm. This goal was achieved and some goals were exceeded.

Floor in the childcare section
Goal: 60 dB. Airborne noise was measured: R’w 62 dB. (The norm sets out more than 48 dB; minimum requirement is 38 dB)
Impact noise was measured: L’n,w 51 dB. The norm sets out lower than 63 dB.

Floor in other sections
Airborne noise was measured: R’w 61 dB. (The norm sets out more than 48 dB; minimum requirement is 38 dB)
Impact noise was measured: L’n,w 50dB. The norm sets out lower than 63 dB.

Structure of the internal wall
Airborne noise was measured: R’w 53dB. (The norm sets out more than 48 dB; minimum requirement is 38dB)


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Vaela modular kindergarten in Estonia

Timbeco designed, produced and installed a school building made of wooden elements in the municipality of Järfälla in Sweden. The building meets Miljöbygg requirements.

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Timber frame element building in Sweden

Timbeco designed, produced and installed a school building made of wooden elements in the municipality of Järfälla in Sweden. The building meets Miljöbygg requirements.

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We have built over 2500 wooden houses in 25 countries
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Our team has 12 designers